Orton-Gillingham Training Courses
Are you looking to be trained and certified in the Orton-Gillingham approach, the gold standard for reading instruction for students with dyslexia? As an Orton-GIllingham Academy Fellow, I offer both OGA Associate and Certified Level training and practicum through the Academy of Orton-GIllingham.
Orton-Gillingham Associate Level Training: 70 hours total
please see the Associate Level Training Course details below
Orton-Gillingham Certified Level Training: 100 hours total

Orton-Gillingham Associate Level Training: 70 hours total
This course is specifically designed for those wishing to work with dyslexic learners or learners who are specifically struggling with reading and spelling. This course is recommended for those looking to become 1-on-1 OG tutors or school interventionists who work with students who have been diagnosed with dyslexia or other language-based learning disabilities. This covers all of the OGA Associate level curriculum and focuses on being diagnostic and prescriptive and tailoring instruction specifically to the student in front you. (Tier 3, SPED)
- Dyslexia and Reading Disorders
- Beginning Morphology
- Rationale of Using the OG Approach
- Advanced Morphology
- Phonology and Phonological Awareness
- Informal Assessment and Diagnostic Teaching
- Phonics for Reading and Spelling
- Interpreting Formal Assessments
- Advanced Phonics for Reading and Spelling
- Providing Direct One on One Instruction
- Strategies for Multi-Sensory Instruction
- Error Repair
- Writing OG Lesson Plans
- Vocabulary development and Simple Grammar
- Mock OG Lesson Plans
- Reading Comprehension
- History of the English Language
- The Student Profile and Progress Monitoring
- Reading and the Brain
- The Academy’s philosophy, standards and requirements
This is an intensive 70-hour course. In addition to in-class work, homework is assigned, and trainees must complete the Orton-Gillingham Academy (OGA) required readings. This course meets the requirements for the Orton-Gillingham Academy Associate certification. Participants must complete the 100-hour Practicum following the coursework and apply to be Certified at the Associate Level with the Orton-Gillingham Academy. The practicum requires separate fees.
Fees: $1850.00 Includes over $300 in physical training materials, access to over 400 digital files and access to over 9 hours of additional video training resources.
*Trainees are responsible for purchasing a copy of The Gillingham Manual
Prerequisites: Bachelor’s Degree
OGA Associate Level Courses begin each summer in June and training and practicum continues through the next school year. To learn more about upcoming training cohorts, please contact us.
View the Associate Course Flyer here.
Orton-Gillingham Certified Level Training: 100 hours total
This course is specifically designed for those who have completed the Associate level training, practicum and certification through OGA and wish to continue their learning to become fully certified dyslexia practitioners who are able to work with learners of all ages, including those with dyslexia and more complex learning profiles, in any setting.
This is an intensive 100-hour course and 200- hour practicum that commences over a minimum of 2 years of study and practice. In addition to in-class work, homework is assigned, and trainees must complete the Orton- Gillingham Academy (OGA) Certified level required readings. This course meets the requirements for the Orton- Gillingham Academy Certified Level certification.
Acceptance into this course requires OGA Associate level certification and an application through Savannah Dyslexia to apply to join the next Certified Level Cohort. For more information, please contact us.